Serious games simulations and immersive masterclasses
About our programs
1. Learn
Through our skill based masterclasses we teach you the skills you have chosen or we recommended based on your needs. The masterclasses consist of videos and/or live classes depending on your preferences. Results are best through live classes!
2. Practise
In phase 2, you practise the skills through exercises in live classes and through exercises given to you for you to complete in your time. You receive feedback from our coaches to reflect and improve your skills in a safe environment.
3. Play
Based on the program you choose, you “play” one or more of our serious games simulations to truly apply and show off the skills you learned. Together in a team, you understand the need and application of the skills in a very effective way.
4. Feedback
After your final game, our coaches will have individual feedback sessions with each participant to provide you value on how you performed and how you can continue to apply the skills. Within the year after your training, regular feedback sessions with you and managers will be held to measure the true impact of our team development training programs on you long-term.
Our games simulations
Now we get to the fun part: we offer four immersive serious games with individual storylines designed to improve team performance in different ways. The recommended team size varies per game but a minimum of 5 is required.

500,000€ transferred to an unknown offshore account. The stakes are high and a lot of suspects need to be eliminated in a short amount of time. Who could be responsible?
Using skills of situational awareness and sensemaking, you need to sift through and make sense of a lot of information with not a lot of time.
Length: 1/2 day

Red Thread
This classic “Who dunnit?” serious games simulation sees players bombarded with information, and they need to find the signal in the noise. If you have ever played Cluedo or completed an escape room, then this game resembles that environment.
Investigate multiple hypotheses and lines of enquiry and find the Red Thread that leads to those trying to gain access to commercially sensitive information. Through calibrated questions and convincing communication, you can find the Red Thread.
Length: 2 full days (these should be a maximum of 1-2 weeks apart)

Find the leak! Taking place in real time over the course of a single day, the clock on this serious game simulation is ticking.
Sensitive information has found its way into the public domain. Use elicitation, conversation management and analysis to determine how this happened and who leaked it.
Length: 1 full day
Find the leak! Taking place in real time over the course of a single day, the clock on this serious game simulation is ticking.
Sensitive information has found its way into the public domain. Use elicitation, conversation management and analysis to determine how this happened and who leaked it.
Length: 1 full day

The stakes could not be higher. A new piece of transformational technology is ready to launch and cause tremendous damage. But how far are people willing to go to ensure its success?
Using skills in persuasion, influence and stakeholder management to gather the data needed to find a way to save everyone’s life, this serious game simulation involves life and death.
Length: 1 full day
Uncharted Territory
Is choice an illusion? Using Artificial Intelligence, your choices can be improved and your life outcomes altered in a positive way. Or… not?
This serious game simulation has multiple endings and the decisions you take and HOW you take them are assessed and fed back in real time for rapid learning.
Length: 2 full days (these can be a maximum of 1-2 weeks apart)

Uncharted Territory
Is choice an illusion? Using Artificial Intelligence, your choices can be improved and your life outcomes altered in a positive way. Or… not?
This serious game simulation has multiple endings and the decisions you take and HOW you take them are assessed and fed back in real time for rapid learning.
Length: 2 full days (these can be a maximum of 1-2 weeks apart)
We offer 12 skill-specific masterclasses that cover analytical, behavioural, and communication skills. The masterclasses consist of live classes, individual exercises, and videos depending on your needs and preferences.

Structured analysis
Frameworks for ordered and systematic review of large volumes of data.

Sensemaking and situational awareness
Moving from analysis to action to do things with data.

Responsive listening
Strategies and techniques to take your listening to the next level.

Cultivating common ground
Focusing on the interests and bringing people together around a problem for effective collaboration.
Calibrated questions
How you ask questions in challenging situations matters.
Emotional Intelligence
Discerning emotions in oneself and others to improve resilience and build relationships.
Working with assumptions and hypotheses
Identifying the implicit and explicit factors guiding thinking.
Gathering information from others through asking zero questions.
Evidential reasoning
Working logically with the evidence you have to effectively deal with complexity.
Managing uncertainty
Practises and approaches to thrive in conditions where clarity is lacking.
Harnessing attention
Identifying and managing the barriers to and enhancers of attention to take in all the information available.
Pillars of Conversation
Tools and approaches to seamlessly manage conversations and therefore manage the flow of information.
Combined game program: The Long Game
This is a 6 month team development training program which combines Red Thread and Stardust and applies all 12 masterclasses in an immersive way.
The following in included in the program:
- Welcome and introduction session
- Personal profiling session
- All 12 masterclasses
- One to one feedback sessions after each game and at the end of the program
- 2x facilitated reflective practise sessions
- 2x action learning sets
- One to one development planning review
- Program close and graduation